Samantha's birth 067

Caring for a child with a medically fragile condition is a life changing event and comes with joys and struggles that few others are able to relate to.  Whether a family is still in shock from the diagnosis or has adjusted into a new family routine, we understand the complex and emotional journey that they are traveling.  Our goal is to provide support and encouragement in a cheerful and positive way and we are able to accomplish this through our sMiles 4 Families Program!  This program was inspired by the love and kindness that Samantha’s family was shown by others throughout their journey with her.

Some ways we are providing support to these precious families and/or medical teams is through

  • HOPE Binders:  We provide these binders, at no cost, to the medical team to hand out at the intake meetings with each family.  These binders are given to help them adjust to living with a new diagnosis.  This binder contains tips and suggestions that other families in similar situations have found practical and helpful.
  • Kaitlyn’s Keepsake Memory Boxes:  Some families choose to leave the hospital and take their child home near the end of their child’s life.  Through our Kaitlyn’s Keepsakes outreach, we give these families end of life memory making boxes that provide these families the opportunity to make end of life memories with their child.  These are provided at no cost to the families, hospice providers and medical teams.
  • Angel Care Kits: Each kits contain soft, handmade washcloths, softly colored hand towels, bath wash, lotion, tissues and a keepsake envelope for a lock of hair.  Immediately after a child passes away, a kit is give to the family so that they may give a final bath to their child.  In a cold and sterile hospital, we strive to help make this intimate moment as caring and as dignified as possible.  These are a gift and are provided at no cost to the hospitals, programs or families.
Angel Care Kit

Angel Care Kit

6 Responses »

  1. This $2000 donation is in Rememberance of Joshua Welch, brother and son of one of our Texas Fury Volleyball families. Joshua was born with a rare genetic disorder called Trisomy 13. Despite his condition he loved life, family, and friends and lived 24 years before passing away in April of 2021.

    • Your donation in memory of Joshua will be such a blessing towards our mission of supporting families of medically fragile children and the medical teams that serve them. Joshua (and his family) will always hold such a special place in our hearts. Please share a heartfelt thank you to the Texas Fury organization for honoring Joshua’s legacy in this way. Every Day is a Gift!

  2. Dear Smiles 4 Sammy Foundation Inc (EIN: 460824544),

    I hope this message finds you well. We would like to email you the donor report for the most recent donation check from Bright Funds Foundation. This report contains all of the relevant information that is usually printed on the bottom 2/3rds of the check. Can you provide me with the best email address to send these reports? For security purposes, the email’s domain name needs to be your organization name. Please let us know so that we may store the correct email address.

    Warm regards,

  3. I work at St. David’s Medical Center in Austin, Tx.. I would like to reach out to someone from Smiles 4 Sammy.

    • Hi Tiffany! My name is Sherlyn Scott and I am a team member of sMiles 4 Sammy. Thanks for reaching out! Our foundation is email is Please feel free to contact us there…with summer schedules, that is the easiest way to reach us. We look forward to hearing from you! Have a beautiful day!

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